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Laser Dentistry with LANAP®

Many patients don’t realize how comfortable and effective their dental treatments can be until they experience laser dentistry! It’s true! With laser dentistry, Dr. Smith is able to deliver more precise, comfortable, and time-efficient treatments that leave you with awesome results.

Part of what makes laser dentistry so beneficial and effective here at Dr. Smith’s office is that he utilizes the most advanced and relied upon technology in the LANAP® Periolase.

Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure, or LANAP, is an Award-Winning technology that is designed to effectively remove the diseased tissue from the pockets between your gum and teeth. With the Periolase being the size of roughly three human hairs, the LANAP laser not only precisely removes the diseased tissue, but it also improves visibility and access for the removal of calculus build up on the surface of your teeth!

This process kills the germs that can cause gum infection while also sterilizing the pocket, soft tissue, root, and bone. Further, bycreating a clean, sealed, and stable environment, LANAP treatment promotes a regenerative healing process that can actually strengthen your gums, teeth, and overall oral health!

For more information about LANAP, check out the animated video below or visit!

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